Balancing Act: The Perfect Mix of Moisture and Protein

Dealing with hair breakage or damage is not easy. It takes a lot of patience, care and time to repair the damage caused by heat, styling, chemicals or neglect. 

Too much heat can leave hair feeling dry or brittle while too much moisture leaves hair limp and lifeless causing it to become stretchy like a rubber band. However, hair can also become damaged by using too much moisture or protein on the hair.

Hair is made up of 91% protein with a long chain of amino acids so you need to replace protein to bond and strengthen the hair shaft.

You may wonder how do I decide what my hair needs? Well, the best time to test your hair is when it’s wet. It reveals the strength or weakness of your hair. However, if you’re unsure what your hair needs, it’s best to stick with moisture as natural hair tends to be extra dry due to the tight curl pattern.

Carrier and essential oils do not moisturize the hair. Oils like coconut, olive, almond or even shea butter are considered sealants which help lock in moisture and seal the hair cuticle. You will need a water-based product or you can simply use aloe vera gel or water to moisturize the hair. However, water can be drying to the hair based on the hardness of the water level so it’s best to use a hair moisturizer along with your water spritz. A great hair moisturizer to try is the Coconut & Monoi Deep Moisture Souffle. or any of the Shea Moisture products based on your hair type. However, there are dozens of products to try based on your preference.

Protein treatments can be harsh and cause more damage if not used carefully so ensure that you test the product on a small section of your hair prior to the application process.
A safe way to add protein treatment is to add an egg to your favorite deep conditioner. It will be a little bit messy, but it does help strengthen and bond the hair shaft.

Another thing to keep in mind is understanding the proper pH balance for your specific hair type. Finding the correct pH balance is essential to the health and vitality of your hair. With the right mix of protein and moisture, your hair becomes more pliable and gains strength and elasticity.

Potential of Hydrogen, or pH, is defined by a scale of how acidic or alkali a substance is. The scale is between 0 and 14. Acidic levels range between 0 and 6.9, 7 is neutral, and anything between 7.1 and 14 is alkaline. Human hair and sebum from your scalp have a pH balance of between 4.5 and 5.5.

There are three simple, natural ingredients that work well for maintaining the correct levels of pH balance: Protein, moisture and apple cider vinegar. You can also add an egg with a few tablespoons of olive oil to your deep conditioner which combines a balance of protein and moisture to your regimen to boost hair growth and strength.

You should always read the labels on your current hair products. A pH between 4 to 7 works well on hair. Apple cider vinegar brings the acidic levels low and ranges about a 3 or 4 so you must follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. It’s best to rinse with the apple cider vinegar after you have shampooed your hair.

Use warm water to open the hair shaft and cooler water while rinsing conditioners out to close the hair shaft. Much like washing your face, pores open up under warm water while your hair tends to open, swell and shrink up under warmer water. Cold water seals the cuticle.

Over time, you will see improved results. However, don’t forget a healthy, balanced diet is the best hair treatment. To learn more about how to balance your pH levels in your diet. Read more here:  How to Balance Your pH balance in Your Body


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